Rabu, 30 November 2016



The government will auction off six geothermal working areas with total capacity of 394 megawatts (MW) in the next year. Currently under the process of the formation of the committee, is expected early next year have already started the auction period of 2017. Details sixth geothermal working areas are Telaga Ranu Geothermal Working Areas 1x5 MW in North Maluku, Sekincau Geothermal Working Areas 110 MW in Lampung, and Okalle Ange Geothermal Working Areas 110 MW in East Nusa Tenggara. Selanjutnva, Kepahiang Geothermal Working Areas 110 MW in Bengkulu, Geureudong  Geothermal Working Areas 55 MW in Aceh, and Gunung Pandan Geothermal Working Areas 40 MW in East Java.

All complete data can be seen at www.tender-indonesia.com
(The source of the Indonesia Oil and Gas, Mining, Electricity, Infrastrcuture, Telecommunication tender project and tender award)

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