The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing offers
the development of Bawen-Yogyakarta toll road to ASEAN investors. In the ASEAN Infrastructure
Investment Forum, the government will seek input foreign investors have been
less participate in the toll road sector. Government utilize ASEAN G2B
Infrastructure Investment Forum which was attended by about 18 thousand
investors from Southeast Asia. In the ASEAN Infrastructure Investment Forum,
the government will ask advice of foreign investors to improve the investment
policy that toll road business scheme more attractive to foreign private.
Currently, Toll Road Regulatory Agency currently preparing tender documents
toll road project along the 71.56 kilometer. The plan, by the end of 2017, the
government will hold an auction for the project.
All complete data can be seen at www.tender-indonesia.com
(The source of the Indonesia Oil and Gas,
Mining, Electricity, Infrastrcuture, Telecommunication tender project and
tender award)
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